[Avodah] Jewish Music

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 06:12:14 PST 2008

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org> wrote:

> (Using TIDE loosely, as RSRH was vehemently and vociferously against
> Hildesheimer Seminary's use of Chokhmas Yisrael (O Wissenschaft), and
> Hildesheimer's preached vehemently against Austritt.)
> SheTir'u baTov!
> -micha
I don't know the source for this statement -can it be provided?
Accordgin to the Klugman Bio of Rabbiner Hirsch:

   1. Hirsch  - kept his council [iow his opposition to Wissenshaft
   inBerlin] quiet
   2. Hildesheimer WAS an Austritt Community!
   3. Hildesheimer spoke at RSRH's levaya

What IS true - and I have expeirenced this in a derivative form myslef
is that Fnakfort had a very RIGID, STRICT view of Austritt while Berlin was
more loose and liberal about it.

A native of Frnakfort confided to me months before his passing:
"When I met religous members of the Geminde Orthodox while on vacation - who
could learn Gmera was well as anyone- I realived that Austritt was wrong..."

The problem with Austritt - aisi -was not the exlclusoin of Reform - but
what I call Austritt Sqauared - the exclusion of any Orthodox that still
dealt with Reform.

IOW, Austritt meant the shunning of Ortho'x [such as Yu/RCA types] who had
ANY dealings with non-Ortho's.  This iswhat I call Austritt to the 2nd
power, not only are Reform our enemies, but any Ortho that does not demonize
Reform is my enemy.  That  caused a rift amongst Orthodoxy that still plays
out today.

Hildeshiemer was against having rifts. [caveat: That does not mean that
EVERYTHING they did was perfect!] Just that darchei Shalom amongst fellow
Ortho'x seeems to be me more important. At any rate. Herr HItler Yimach
shemo ended all Austrit by convincing ALL Jews in Germanyt hat they had
common cause.  Jsut like it took Haman to give more Mussar than nevi'im,
Hilter taught German Jews how to get along after decades of  squabling and

Kol Tuv / Best Regards,
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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