[Avodah] Tefilin Chol Hamoed

AY & CB Walters acwalters at bluebottle.com
Sat Feb 9 11:56:19 PST 2008

> At 09:57 AM 2/6/2008, someone wrote:
>>Two things that I see as areas where N"S has influenced N"A;
>>Not wearing Tefillin on Chol HaMoed all together, taking the tefillin off
>>before Musaf on Rosh Chodesh.
In Satmar, Sanz, Klauzenborg et al, Bochrim do wear Tefilin Chol HaMoed. The 
Reason being (I think according to the Divrei Chaim) is that in halocho, 
there is a chiuv. Only in chassidus there is an inyan not to (due to the 
Zohar forbidding it). Since bochrim don't have shayches to chasidus, they 
have no reason to go with the Zohar against the halocho; thus bochrim do 
wear tefilin ch"m.  For the same reason, bochrim don't wear Rabeinu Tam 
tefilin either.

Klausenberger bochrim don't wear in Eretz Yisroel, though. But this is more 
due to the GRA than anything else. So it's Ashkenaz infuencing Sefard, in 
this case!

The SR zl was very makpid on bochrim to wear tefilin in EY, even when there 
was a minag ovos not like that, he would be metzaveh bochrim to wear tefilin 
even if they had a mesoro not to.

a gute voch

Avrohom Yitschok

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