[Avodah] Why Jewish Women should NOT wear a Burka (or equivalent)

Moshe Shulman mshulman at ix.netcom.com
Wed Feb 6 18:48:46 PST 2008

At 09:57 AM 2/6/2008, you wrote:
>From: "Shoshana L. Boublil" <toramada at bezeqint.net>
>Kulam Chachamim; Kulam Nevonim etc..  That's probably the reason that this
>issue hasn't been discussed (AFAIK) on Avodah.
>I would greatly appreciate it if the membership, which includes many
>Talmidei Chachamim, would spend some time on discussing the various reasons
>why wearing a Burka (or equivalent) is NOT appropriate for a Jewish woman.
>Issues like "Bal Tosif"; the true meaning of Tzni'ut; Chukot HaGoyim and
>other relevant issues could be discussed.
>The reason I'm asking is that while the answer is obvious to the Talmidei
>Chachamim here, many others don't realize that there are problems with this
>issue -- and what they are.
>As Avodah is publicly available, this would make the material also available
>to other women who are asking this question and aren't getting answers.
>A more detailed article can be found at (as suggested by R' Aryeh Stein):
>and a response:
>IMHO, when issues like this fall by the wayside without appropriate halachic
>and hashkafic reaction, many women may fall into the false belief that such
>behavior (and similar) are actually not only good - but recommended.
>Shoshana L. Boublil

I mentioned something about this on Areivim (where I think it 
belongs.) However if you read the articles these people have no idea 
of the halachos of tzniyos. For example:

'As one of them told Ha'aretz: "The entirety of a woman is considered 
ervah," or a naked part of the body which must be covered up, "even 
one's wrist. A man who isn't your husband must not see it."  '

This is absolutely false. It is just simple ignorance. What more 
needs to be said?

Moshe Shulman   outreach at judaismsanswer.com 718-436-7705
Judaism's Answer:  http://www.judaismsanswer.com/

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