[Avodah] Ramp On!

dhojda1 at juno.com dhojda1 at juno.com
Tue Feb 5 18:21:23 PST 2008

I'm a bit late to this discussion, but it seems to me that the reasoning behind not allowing the handicapped Cohen to serve (while not barring those with blemished character, by the way) is the same as the one for insisting that the animals be unblemished and that the keylim be beautiful: 

People are superficial. They honor that which is physically and superficially attractive and believe that items and people who are physically attractive are "superior."

HASHEM wanted that the Mikdash be revered by all, including the masses.

True, in a perfect, enlightened world, we would judge people by the content of their character more than by their outward appearance.

But, . . .
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