[Avodah] What would a Torah government look like

Mike Miller avodah at mikeage.net
Sat Jan 26 11:10:46 PST 2008

On Jan 25, 2008 7:37 PM, Shmuel Weidberg <ezrawax at gmail.com> wrote:
> But that is only in theory. For example somebody who commits himself
> to a transaction and doesn't go through with it, Is required to submit
> to the curse of Mi Shepara. And it is the rare person who would
> undergo so such an ordeal, both because of the embarrassment and
> because of his fear of the results of the curse.

Well, it depends on the transaction. If a kinyan kesef was made for
metaltalin, and then someone backs out, he has a din of mi shepara
[other avodah topic: is it an actual curse, or just a threat]. If no
kinyan was made, but there was a gemiras daas, then the reneging party
has a din of mechusar amanah, which is not as bad as mi shepara (but
he's still considered a Bad Guy, and can be denounced as such in shul,
for example...).

-- Mike Miller
Ramat Bet Shemesh

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