[Avodah] Chiyuv l'kabel gerim

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Thu Jan 10 14:49:55 PST 2008

R' Micha Berger wrote:
> I'm missing something. What's the nafqa mina between saying BD has a
> chiyuv geirus, and saying the geir has a chiyuv to convert ASAP, he
> can't do so without a beis din, and therefore BD must help him?
It is the issue of who has the obligation to be the nudge. According to 
the R' Menashe Klein the burden of making sure the geirus is done is on 
the ger himself. If he delays converting it is his sin (Yevamos 48b). 
Beis din thus plays a relatively passive role. Sort of like an avel has 
the obligation to say kaddish and thus must insure that there is a 
minyan. The minyan merely provides the enivironment but does not push 
the avel to say kaddish. Beis din is thus provides the opportunity but 
doesn't push that the mitzva be done. If the prospective convert is 
uncertain as to whether to proceed or is merely curious about converting 
- there is no requirement for beis din to be involved. They only step in 
when they acknowledge he is a sincere and genuine candidate for 
conversion and he insists it be done now.

On the other hand if the mitzva is on beis din to convert non-Jews than 
they most create pressure such as Avraham did when he was engaged in 
convincing people that G-d exists. They need to reach out and give 
public speeches, weekend seminars etc  etc. as we  find in the kiruv and 
missionary programs. They have to create motivation - not just respond 
when asked.

Daniel Eidensohn

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