[Avodah] kinetic healing and halacha

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 20:56:00 PST 2008

On Jan 9, 2008 4:33 PM, Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org> wrote:

> "as above, so below" -- that everything down here manipulates
> a corresponding thing up there, and so I can make things happen in
> heaven. Given this claim, the Torah point stands; if I'm wrong, take
> alchemy off the list.
> SheTir'u baTov!
> -micha
> --
> Micha Berger

I have spoken to anti-Kabblists. They claim that kabbalha- or at least
Luraianic Kabbalh - is all about Teurgy which is hte manipulatoin of G-d of
the heavens based upon waht we do here.

Press a button down her and we maniuplate the godhead to take care of us [
e.g. red threads]
According to them ithis is the purest form of Avodah Zara and stems from
Babylonains influences etc.

thyey claim that true Jewish Mysticism is associated with nevi'us and how
the Rambam describes reaching higher levels.  So these people are NOT
against mysticism or even ma'sseh Breishis, Merkava etc. But they
specifically question the AriZal and  probably the Zohar, too as being
highly problematic. I would guess that the Ya'avetz and his Dad may have
felt the same way

KI is life energy. As the Talmud notes a rat will not touch a live baby but
will eat a dea adult. The absence of hte life force is the KE to his idea of
Ki [or chi or prana] etc. the fact taht the Buddhists articualted it shold
not make it any more unkosher than astrology whcih was artciualted by ovdei
AZ but is integral to ibn Ezra's poetery and  Geshem/Tal etc.

Point: if you believe in mazalos than Reiki is no more unkosher. If you are
agaisnt maazlos, too than Reiki might also be treif and so would be saying
mazal Tov for that matter. Which makes the nusach of kiddush levana

It's interesting how modern Buddhist stuff is a turn of but with ancient
Sumerian AZ we have grown quite accustomed to their terminaology and

And how is it that saying *Tammuz *is not being over shem elohim acheirim
los sazkiru anyway?

Kol Tuv / Best Regards,
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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