[Avodah] Lashon Hara about non-Jews

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Jan 9 16:37:07 PST 2008

The question of why there is no issur of LH against a nachri given
that LH is destructive to one's middos is a general one. There are
many things that it pays to avoid for which there is no issur. As I
recently quoted besheim the Ramchal, there are three tiers: issur,
gezeirah and perishus.

Midos in general do not get addressed by specific dinim; they tend to
be left to the more amorphous "judge the situation using this
priority" type chiyuvim, the QTYD mitzvos -- "*Q*edoshim tihyu",
"ve'asisa ha*T*ov veha*Y*ashar", "vehalakhta bi*D*rakhav".

The areivim zeh bazeh issue would be why LH rises above assessment of
the situation to the level of a formal din, whereas LH against
nachriim does not. It would seem to me that the nafqa mina is that LH
against nachriim could be overriden situationally by something less
than a conflicting chiyuv.

(The question of being overridden in the case of need of the
information is irrelevant; as LH is only assur in any case where there
is no to'eles.)

SheTir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             One who kills his inclination is as though he
micha at aishdas.org        brought an offering. But to bring an offering,
http://www.aishdas.org   you must know where to slaughter and what
Fax: (270) 514-1507      parts to offer.        - R' Simcha Zissel Ziv

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