[Avodah] [Areivim] Is it ...Galut

Elazar M. Teitz remt at juno.com
Sun Jan 6 06:36:47 PST 2008

<The Meshech Chochma on the tochacha in Bechukosai that every galus
follows a certain pattern. The last stage is when the the people
living in Galus think Monsey, Boro Park, etc. are Yerushalayim. After
that it is all downhill. Unfortunately, I see that attitude in many
communities in the US. Many people have absolutely no thought of
moving to EY, they say why should I? We have yeshivos, shuls, etc.
here. I can be a very good Jew here in America just as good as in

I have no quarrel with anyone who seriously evaluates moving to EY and
for various reasons does not. However, those people who never think
about it and just dismiss it out of hand are doing exactly what the
Meshech Chochma and others warned against.>

     This is reading into the Meshech Chochma more than he wrote.  His commentary was not a pro-aliyah manifesto.  What he was bemoaning was not the presence of Jews in galus, but rather their losing the feeling and awareness of being in galus, not of being in Berlin, but of saying that "Berlin is Yerushalayim."  I doubt that the Jews of Monsey or Boro Park are guilty of forgetting that they are in galus. Would that the same could be said for all Torah-observant Jews.

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