[Avodah] Shabbat erev pesach

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 04:22:13 PDT 2008

I'm sure we all have our sources on how to run this Shabbat Erev
Pesach. But my rabbi today gave a shiur in which he gave some novel
points I haven't seen elsewhere (perhaps they're in a modern halachic
sefer I haven't seen).

When it comes to eating lehem on Shabbat, we've of course got a
problem. You can eat in a different corner of the room and/or have an
unset table while you eat (and when you finish the bread, you wrap up the
plastic table covering and bring out the kosher l'pesach dishes and food),
but still, the idea of having chametz on Erev Pesach is discomfiting,
and plus you have to rush in your morning seuda to finish the chametz
on time. And if anyone has a five-year old who will spread the chametz

What my rabbi said to do is, eat matzah ashira or deep-fried / boiled
(in soup) matzah. It's not fit for the seder night so there's no problem
with having relations with your wife on the day before the wedding
in your father-in-law's house, and it's still halachically lehem for
Shabbat. And since it's not chametz, you can have a chametz-free house,
totally 100% no chametz.

Of course, gebrokts can't eat the boiled matzah, but ashira and fried
ought to be fine.

He even said that on leil shabbat, you can eat mamash normal ordinary
matzah. The minhag is to refrain from Rosh Chodesh, but the halacha
is merely from the morning of erev pesach. So on leil Shabbat you
can eat ordinary matzah if need be, and then for the day meal you eat

And this way, you can have lehem for shalushudous (shalosh seudot/seudat

There's a bit of a problem with all this for Sefaradim, because for them,
matzah is still mezonot. But if they eat enough matzah with a meal,
the matzah will become ha-motzi.

[Email #2. -mi]

Oh, but he added that on Shabbat day, not only can you not have ordinary
matzah, but also no baked matza-meal products. But ashira/boiled/fried
matzah is still okay.

Anyone know of any sources that speak about any of this pilpul b'ochel?

Mikha'el Makovi

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