[Avodah] R' Marc Angel Redux

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Tue Mar 25 11:21:50 PDT 2008

Some poster (can't recall who) suggested that perhaps bedi'avad even the 
conversions done by people who are clearly not qualified (for example, C 
ra'bbais) should be accepted as a giyur done by a beit din shel hedyotot.

In response, it should be stated that while there indeed exists such a kind of 
giyur, there are qualifications even for sitting on a beit din shel hedyotot, 
namely, the dayanim hedyotot need to be kosher as witnesses and by extension 
as hedyot judges. this disqualifies heretics, whether intentional ones or 
unintentional ones, as well as generally all tinokot shenishbu that do not 
keep Shabbat. Obviously, this also excludes individuals with very long beards 
that have no qualms getting involved in monetary improprieties. It also 
disqualifies intermarried hedyotot.

For a source, please see Shut Yabi'a Omer VIII, Even ha'Ezer 12:9.

Kol tuv,
Arie Folger

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