[Avodah] What Chassanim know

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Mar 24 18:33:10 PDT 2008

Kayza Zajac wrote on Areivim:
> Zev Sero wrote:

>> I assume that when a chupah is held at home, even at the kallah's
>> parents' home, the couple are the home-owners' guests. 

> One of the things that Shmuel pointed out to me is that the Chosson may
> not have bia sh'niya until they go to his / their home if they actually
> got married at her father's house - that is actually specifically
> addressed.

Where?  The only similar thing I can see refers to kiddushei bi'ah,
not to nisu'in.  What did people do 150 years ago, when boys got
married at about 15?  Surely the couple didn't have to rent their
bedroom from whichever set of parents they lived with!

Looking again at EH 55 and the nos'ei kelim, I still can't see any
discussion on the word "beito" or "beitam" indicating that it's
davka.  It seems rather to refer to their being seen by themselves
and others as a couple rather than as engaged singles.  In fact, if
nisu'in required the kallah to be physically removed from her father's
actual house rather than legally removed from his household, then
the discussion in Beis Shmuel 55:1 wouldn't seem to make much sense.

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                      	                          - Clarence Thomas

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