[Avodah] time of Purim Seudah

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 04:13:31 PDT 2008

from halachah yomit

"This year, because Purim (outside Yerushalayim) is on Erev Shabbos,
one should begin the Seudah before Chatzos (1:03 pm NYC).
Bi'dieved one may begin the Seudah anytime before the 10th hour of the day.
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 695:2, Yad Efraim citing the Maharil,
Piskei Tshuvos 695:6"

I spoke with people from Teaneck, NJ and was surprised to hear that
(for this group) the women were getting together
for bagels and the men would grab something at work. They come home
the last minute before shabbat and so it
is too late according to the above quote.

Given the above scenario I was wondering whether it would not be
preferable to instead adopt the Sefardi custom
of starting clode to shabbat and having the seudah go into shabbat and
lighting candles and kabbalat shabbat
as part of the meal with Maariv afterwards.
Being an academic and living in Israel I have always been able to take
Purim off from work. However, given that
so many work a full day even on friday Purim as a non-posek it seems
to me the minhag backed by many
sefardi poskim is preferable to even the bideved of the Mishnah Brurah

Purim Sameach

Eli Turkel

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