[Avodah] Hot Cheese for Shabbat Lunch

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Thu Feb 28 05:57:01 PST 2008

On the topic of what is <<< fleishig mid'oraisa >>>, R' Yitzhak Grossman wrote:

> Actually, Maran [0] and Shach [1] rule that fowl isn't
> m'd'oraisa, Rema doesn't disagree, and although Shach cites
> a dissenting view of some Aharonim, he states that "harbeh
> poskim m'od" rule that it isn't.

But that was in the context of basar b'chalav, which doesn't have anything to do with the simcha or oneg which one gets from eating it.

(Historical note: After the current thread began with a question about Bishul Achar Bishul, it quickly branched off into discussions about what we can/should eat on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Recently it also got into Basar B'Chalav, and I just wanted to remind everyone not to conflate these last two items.)

On the topic of eating fowl on Shabbos and Yom Tov, I have found it noteworthy that when we were in the midbar and complained about the lack of "basar" to eat, Hashem answered us by sending fowl. From context, it seems clear to me that He expected the fowl to meet our definition of what we were asking for -- i.e., that fowl (or at least that particular species) meets the definition of "basar" in that context. This does not necessarily prove that fowl provides *enough* oneg or simcha to satisfy Hilchos Shabbos V'YomTov, but still, I think it is noteworthy.

Akiva Miller
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