[Avodah] Why Jewish Women should NOT wear a Burka (or equivalent)

Shoshana L. Boublil toramada at bezeqint.net
Tue Feb 5 12:06:13 PST 2008

Kulam Chachamim; Kulam Nevonim etc..  That's probably the reason that this 
issue hasn't been discussed (AFAIK) on Avodah.

I would greatly appreciate it if the membership, which includes many 
Talmidei Chachamim, would spend some time on discussing the various reasons 
why wearing a Burka (or equivalent) is NOT appropriate for a Jewish woman.

Issues like "Bal Tosif"; the true meaning of Tzni'ut; Chukot HaGoyim and 
other relevant issues could be discussed.

The reason I'm asking is that while the answer is obvious to the Talmidei 
Chachamim here, many others don't realize that there are problems with this 
issue -- and what they are.

As Avodah is publicly available, this would make the material also available 
to other women who are asking this question and aren't getting answers.

A more detailed article can be found at (as suggested by R' Aryeh Stein):


and a response:


IMHO, when issues like this fall by the wayside without appropriate halachic 
and hashkafic reaction, many women may fall into the false belief that such 
behavior (and similar) are actually not only good - but recommended.

Please respond.

Thank you.

Shoshana L. Boublil

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