[Avodah] pitum haketores

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 20:03:58 PST 2008

R' Gilad Field:
Anyone know of the source for some minhag I have seen where people have the
pitum haketores written on a klaf in ksav ashuris? I have even seen it
posted on a shul (where you would normally see modim d'rabanan or the
like).  Is there any mekor for this in shas or the rishonim?

Siddur Ksav Ashuris (Yerushalaim 5726) brings: MeiHarav Hagaon HaKadosh
Mofeis Hador Hamefursom KKSh"T Maran Tzvi Hirsh ABDK"K Liska M'seifer Darkei
Hayashar V'hatov daf 41: Matzasi Ksav Yad AA"Z ZTz"L V'zeh L'shono:
Lehatzlochah Yomar B'chol Yom Pitum Haketores M'ksav Ashuris Davka Milah
B'milah, V'kodem Minchah, U'v'motzai Shabbos.

The Liska Rebbe was an ancestor of mine (he is discussed here
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liska in a needs-to-be-edited Wikipedia
article), but I don't - unfortunately - have Darkei Hayashar V'hatov, so it
isn't clear to me if the quote is from the Liska Rebbe, or from his
grandfather. (The Liska Rebbe is better known for his Sefer Ach Pri Tevuah
Al HaTorah.) Either way, there you have it. IIRC, I once heard another Mekor
from a Sofer, but I don't remember what it was.


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