[Avodah] 'Keushah! Kedushah!'

cantorwolberg at cox.net cantorwolberg at cox.net
Fri Feb 1 09:11:09 PST 2008

Prof. Yitzchok Levine wrote an article, the following of which is the conclusion (the link was part of his last posting). It is well worth the read:

Rav Salanter's concern for others obviously knew no bounds. The following story illustrates this:

He was amazed that people were oblivious of the weighty obligation devolving upon them to bring benefit to others and who treated their responsibilities so lightly. People go out of their way to confer the merit on others to perform some mitzvah, but never take the trouble to make others happy. 'Many times,' he would say, 'I have seen a person pass by a synagogue, and those inside call out to him, 'Kedushah! Kedushah!' They invite him to participate in the performance of a mitzvah. Yet never in my life have I seen a person pass by a house where a meal is being eaten, and the family inside calling out, 'Dinner is served' and invite him to join them.' (Page 244.)

Rav Yisroel Salanter was a gaon and tzaddik who clearly lived his life on a very high plane. There are few people living today who can even hope to reach his high level of moral behavior, let alone attain it. This does not, however, absolve us from trying our best to emulate his meritorious deeds.

Frumkeit should not be enough for us. We also need to permeate our lives with ehrlichkeit, so that all of our words and deeds are done in the spirit of living lives that are a Kiddush Hashem.

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