[Avodah] FW: chemotherapy

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Thu Jan 10 21:25:03 PST 2008

I can't tell whether it was R' Joel Rich or someone else who asked, regarding the permission to publish Torah Sheb'al Peh:

> I wonder if these sages knew that their temporary emergency
> measure would become permanent (separate question as to how),
> would they have enacted it anyway?

The question presumes that this permission did in fact become permanent. But that presumption is not valid. I have no idea whether this permission will end up as permanent or not. All we know for sure is that we are still publishing Torah Sheb'al Peh today. No one knows whether or not this permission will be revoked tomorrow.

In other words, I don't understand the question. Could someone rephrase it, please?

R' Michael Makovi suggested:

> An eit la'asot lashem could simply be a type of hora'at sha'ah,

My understanding is that the two ideas are pretty much the same. More precisely, "Horaat Shaah" describes any act of paskening in which a normally forbidden act is allowed for the duration of a specific emergency. "Eit Laasot" is the pasuk (Tehilim 119:126) which authorizes the posek to pasken such a p'sak.

Akiva Miller
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