[Avodah] Chiyuv l'kabel gerim

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Sun Jan 6 12:59:50 PST 2008

 From the following sources - is seems that any possible mitzva to 
accept converts - is balanced out by a strong awareness that most are 
deleterious for the Jewish people. Thus Rashi simply states if they are 
dissuaded from converting it is of no concern to us. Or to put it 
another way it seems that even if there is a kiyum of a mitzva to accept 
geirim but there is no chiyuv that non-Jews be converted.

*Yevamos[1] <#_ftn1>(47b): *The Master said: If a non‑Jew wants to 
convert he is told:”What is the reason that you have decided to 
convert?” He is informed of some of the minor and some of the major 
mitzvos. What is the reason for this? In order that if he wishes to 
withdraw let him withdraw. This is because of the words of R’ Chelbo: 
“Converts are as difficult for Israel as a sore.” This is refected in 
the language of Isaiah (14:1): “and foreigners shall be joined with 
them, and they shall cleave [same root as sore] to the house of Yaakov..”* *

 *Rashi[2] <#_ftn2>(Yevamos 47b): If he withdraws * - and doesn’t become 
a convert *Let him withdraw – *and it is of no concern of ours.

*Yevamos[3] <#_ftn3>(109b)*: R’ Yitzchok said what is the meaning of 
Mishlei (11:15): He that is a surety for a stranger will suffer for it? 
That means evil upon evil comes to those who accept converts... That 
those who accept converts bring evil upon themselves is learned from R’ 
Chelbo who said: Converts are as difficult for Israel as a sore on the skin.

*Rashi[4] <#_ftn4>(Yevamos 109b): Converts are as difficult for Israel – 
*because they are not knowledgeable in the details of the mitzvos and 
Israel learns from their incorrect conduct*. As a sore – *This is the 
language of the verse (Yeshaya 14:1):”… and foreigners shall be joined 
with them, and they shall cleave [same root as sore] to the house of 
Yakov..* *

*Rambam[5] <#_ftn5>(Hilchos Issurei Biah 13:18): *Because of this* 
*[that even if they relapse they are still Jews] our Sages have said 
that converts are as difficult for Israel as a skin disease because the 
majority of them relapse and they lead Israel astray. It is difficult to 
avoid their influence after they have converted. Look what happened in 
the Wilderness concerning the Golden Calf as well Kivros HaTaavah. In 
addition concerning the majority of the trials the Mixed Multitude were 
involved at the start.


[1] <#_ftnref1>  *יבמות (מז:):* אמר מר: גר שבא להתגייר, אומרים לו: מה 
ראית שבאת להתגייר? ומודיעים אותו מקצת מצות קלות ומקצת מצות חמורות. מ"ט? 
דאי פריש נפרוש, דא"ר חלבו: קשים גרים לישראל כספחת, דכתיב: (ישעיהו יד:א) 
ונלוה הגר עליהם ונספחו על בית יעקב.

[2] <#_ftnref2>  *רש"י (יבמות מז:): דאי פריש* - שלא יתגייר. *נפרוש* - 
ולא איכפת לן.

[3] <#_ftnref3>  *יבמות (קט:):* דא"ר יצחק, מאי דכתיב: (משלי יא:טו) רע 
ירוע כי ערב זר? רעה אחר רעה תבא למקבלי גרים, ... מקבלי גרים - כר' חלבו, 
דאמר ר' חלבו: קשים גרים לישראל כספחת בעור.

[4] <#_ftnref4>  *רש"י (יבמות קט:): קשים גרים* - שאין בקיאין בדקדוקי 
מצות ולמדין ישראל ממעשיהן. *כספחת* - לישנא דקרא נקט ונלוה הגר עליהם 
ונספחו על בית יעקב (ישעיהו יד:א):

[5] <#_ftnref5>  *רמב"ם (הלכות איסורי ביאה יג:יח):* ומפני זה אמרו חכמים 
קשים להם גרים לישראל כנגע צרעת שרובן חוזרין בשביל דבר ומטעין את ישראל, 
וקשה הדבר לפרוש מהם אחר שנתגיירו, צא ולמד מה אירע במדבר במעשה העגל 
ובקברות התאוה וכן רוב הנסיונות האספסוף היו בהן תחלה.

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