[Avodah] Chiyuv l'kabel gerim

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 13:07:47 PST 2008

If we believe that Yahadus is emes and that yakiru v'yeid'u kol yoshvei
teivel that emes, how can we not have a chiyuv to be mekaabel geirim!?

Because there is a level before that - Geir Toshav. Even if there wasn't -
Yakiru V'yeid'u only means that they will realize that Yahadus is Emes - it
doesn't imply that they will become Yidden, just that they renounce Avodah
Zarah. During Kriyas Yam Suf, for example, the nations renounced AZ, saying
Mi Kamocha... (Mechilta on that Pasuk.) That seems to me to be a full Yakiru
V'yeid'u. In any case, there were times in Jewish history when Chazal were
not M'kabel Geirim, because their motives were questioned.


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