[Avodah] Tefillin retzuos black on both sides?

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 08:30:44 PST 2008

> My son's bar mitzva is approaching so I had to order tefillin for him.
> In the process I heard of a new chumra, the retzuos should be black on
> both sides. Does anyone have a source for this? Is this really a new
> chumra or is this an established minhag? I personally never heard or
> saw retzuos like that until now.

I once asked my sofer about this (actually, I asked whether to make
both sides black would be mutar, because I thought to make both sides
black was so obvious, I couldn't figure out why no one does it): he
said that the chiyuv is only one side, because you need only one side
to face outwards with black; the other side means nothing. But if you
color both sides black, then you don't have to worry about your
retzuot flipping around and having the raw leather side facing

I can't say anything about a new minhag. But to have both sides be
black certainly sounds convenient.

Mikha'el Makovi

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