[Avodah] How many Batei haMikdash?

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 20:00:41 PST 2008

On Areivim, R' Moshe Feldman wrote:
Our gedolim have
taken the position, based on gemaras, that once we have returned from
the second galus, we have a promise from Hashem that klal yisrael in
EY will survive.  Therefore, we can be certain that there is no risk
at all of the Jewish people in EY surviving. <<

On Avodah R' Doron Beckerman wrote:
This is not clear cut. We have no guarantee that this is the true Kibbutz
Galuyos which is immune to destruction. RSRH writes in a number of places
that any human attempt at a mass return of Klal Yisrael to its Land was,
similar to the Bar Kokhba revolt, potentially disastrous. And he held that
even a mass return of Jews to EY was no guarantee against losing this


Indeed. Whether or not one says that aliyah and bringing geula are
proper or improper (RSRH), it seems evident that there is no guarantee
that this is the THE true second kibbutz galuyot.

But my question, which is a rather un-Orthodox (capital O) question,
but one which I've never been able to get an answer to:

>From where do we know that there will be three temples? We are taught
that Chizkiyahu could have been Mashiach with the First Temple, and
had we returned with Ezra, geula would have come then - with the
Second Temple. And given the despair at the destruction of the Second,
it seems unlikely that there was a tradition that there would be three
temples, for then everyone no one would have been troubled at the
destruction of either temple; there'd be no theological difficulties
whatsoever if there had been a tradition that there'd be three. Thus,
it seems evident that geula could have come with the Second Temple,
and not necessarily with the Third. So how do we know it will come
with the Third and not the Fourth? Certainly, geula will come, but how
did Chazal know it would come with the Third Temple? There is
obviously no tradition to this effect, so how do we know it?

If one says Daniel, then the objection is, since when do we know what
Daniel says?

Mikha'el Makovi

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