[Avodah] R' Angel & Geirus Redux

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 22:09:24 PDT 2008

R' Michael Makovi asserts:

>But in today's non-religious Jew, it is absolutely positively known
>that they know that Orthodox Jews don't eat pork or drive cars on
>Shabbat. They also know that Orthodox women don't dress provocatively.

Lo Ro'isi Aino Ra'ayo - Because you haven't seen it doesn't prove anything.

I can tell you from first hand experience in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and
Petach Tikva that your statements are incorrect.

It's sad, but true. You simply cannot believe the ignorance of those
removed from Yiddishkeit.

Even if they have heard of the concept of not driving on Shabbos
doesn't mean they assume that  Yidden are forbidden to do so; they
assume it's a personal chumra of a select few. (Compare with the
Chofetz Chaim and Mesilas Yeshorim trying to persuade their readers
that what they write is halacho and not chumra.)

- Danny

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