[Avodah] chemotherapy

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Thu Jan 17 13:10:02 PST 2008

From: R' Akiva Miller

>>I would suggest that a good  example of this Horaas Shaah might be Rav YB 
Soloveitchik's stand on  mixed-seating synagogues: That even if one's only 
opportunity to hear the shofar  is to enter a mixed-seating synagogue, it is 
better not to go. ("The Sanctity of  the Synagogue", page 115)<<

I don't think that was a hora'as sha'ah.  ("Just until everyone  understands 
that a C congregation is not kosher, we will temporarily suspend  shofar 
blowing.")  I think it was a statement of halacha, that if you hear  a shofar blown 
by an apikores in a tiflah, you haven't been yotzei the mitzva of  shofar at 
all.  I also think he didn't say "it's better not to go" but  "it's assur to 

--Toby  Katz
Romney -- good values, good family, good  hair
Best hope against Hillary

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