[Avodah] Monsey kashrut problem

Moshe Yehuda Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 13:03:12 PDT 2006

R' Shalom Kohn:
> Finally, I understand that if the chamor of Pinchas ben Yair did not eat
> treif, tzaddikim atzma lo kol she-kain, so that someone who might
> otherwise have considered that adage applicable to themselves would
> conclude that indeed, their status as a tzaddik may not be as firm as they
> would have hoped.  Thus, if anything, I would think the mussar for the
> Monsey community is that we are not at the level of Pinchas ben Yair's
> chamor.  This is a cause for increased humility and probably teshuva, but
> again, not "kaparah."

We have previously discussed the Chamor of R' Pinchos ben Yair, and I have
pointed out that entire "Tzadikim atzman lo kol she'kein" does not apply
B'zman Ha'zeh, as is clear in Chulin 5B, ToDH Tzadikim Atzman. 


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