[Avodah] Monsey chickens

Kohn, Shalom skohn at Sidley.com
Thu Sep 14 07:37:40 PDT 2006

R. MYG wrote:

>We have previously discussed the Chamor of R' Pinchos ben Yair, and I
pointed out that entire "Tzadikim atzman lo kol she'kein" does not apply
B'zman Ha'zeh, as is clear in Chulin 5B, ToDH Tzadikim Atzman. 

Actually, the tosafot in question states that the rule about the Chamor
of R' Pinchos ben Yair applies only to food, and not other issurim.  The
end of the tosafot quotes a gemara that "anu ke-chamorim, ve-lo
ke-chamoro shel pinchas ben yair" which is the remark paraphrased in my
original post.  If the rule of "Tzadikim atzman lo kol she'kein" does
not apply
B'zman Ha'zeh, it is because nitkatnu hadorot (i.e., we are not
tzaddikim) and not that the rule has become passe.

Shalom L. Kohn 

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